Karnataka has decided to provide admissions in State colleges, industrial training institutes and polytechnics non-Karnataka students who studied in Kannada medium schools.
Admissions in colleges and technical educational institutions for non-Karnataka students who studied in Kannada medium schools would be given as per a decision taken by the State Government, according to Karnataka's Kannada and Culture Minister Govinda M Karjol.
Public and parents of students of 13 Kannada schools of Maganur Mandal in Mahabubnagar in Andhra Pradesh staged a protest following denial of admission for three students in a Government industrial training institute (ITI) in Raichur.
The principal of the ITI, Raichur, has been instructed to hold discussion with Mahabubnagar Deputy Commissioner Purushotama Reddy to sort out controversy related to the admission of students, Karjol said promising to provide admission to all three students in ITI, Raichur.
An order would be issued soon to treat non-Karnataka students studied in Kannada medium schools and high schools son par with the State students, he said.
A meeting of secretaries of primary and secondary education, higher education, medical education and Kannada and Culture would be held on Thursday to discuss problems faced by students studying outside Karnataka, the minister said.
Kannada writer Baraguru Ramachandrappa had submitted a report to the Government recommending several steps for improving condition of Kannada schools located outside the State and admission of non-Karnataka students in the State.
Karjol said all facilities would be given to students studied in Kannada schools outside the State and there would not be any discrimination against them during admissions in Government colleges in the State.